Claim Requirement - Local - Optical
1. Optical shop’s itemized invoice stamped dated including:
• Valid tax ID and commercial registration number
• Detailed address & phone number
• Frame cost and lenses cost
• Copy of a recent eyesight test result Eyesight measurements validity not exceeding one year
• Optical shop business card
2. To reimburse eye sight test fees , Please ensure submitting :
• Final stamped dated invoice
• Eyesight Measurements
General Notes:
- Claims should be submitted/completed within 90 days from services date, any claims submitted after 90 days not refundable.
- Claims refund will be for final eligible treatment costs, and not for deposits, advance payments, registration or administration fees charged by the service provider
- Specialty of treating doctor should be relevant to the performed services (ex. Physiotherapy sessions should be prescribed from orthopedics/ neurosurgeons or Rheumatologist …etc.
- Please note that claim evaluation will be at time of processing after receiving the full supporting documents. Claims are subject for further requirements , if needed