To provide our customers with the opportunity for high growth in the unit price over the long term but with potential for very significant volatility.
Investment Types Details | AXA Egypt
Al Safwa Investment Type
Inception Date Jan 2007
Al SafwaEquitiesEquity 100%High Risk
- *Cumulative rate of return (%)
1Y3Y5Y10 Years
Updated on 31 Jan, 2025
Everything you need to know about this investment type
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Asset Class Mix
This Investment Type has up to 100% of its value exposed to equities traded on The Egyptian Exchange. Equities from industries such as alcohol, tobacco, gambling, entertainment, etc. are excluded. This Investment Type is denominated in Egyptian Pounds.
Customer Risk Profile
This Investment Type suits customers who have Very High tolerance to risk. They are aware that there may be very significant volatility in the unit price. They seek to achieve high levels of growth knowing that there is a very high level of risk.
Key Information
Month to Date (MTD)
Year to date (YTD)
Fund Size (NAV)
Unit Price
YOY Performance 10 years
Historical Unit Price Performance
Investment Allocation
Investment Certificates10.6 %
Cash2.3 %
Equities87.1 %
AXA Investment Types have been designed to suit the needs of customers who want to save for a minimum term of 10 years. Individuals with different objectives should seek alternative investments
*A cumulative return on an investment is the aggregate amount that the investment has gained or lost over time MTD = (end of current month unit price/end of previous month unit price)-1 YTD = (end of current month unit price/end of previous year unit price)-1